May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween 2008

Hi there again. I am trying to get caught up on the past years activities. I switched to a new computer back in June and have not transferred all my old pictures over to the new computer yet so it will be awhile before I can post pics from the first half of the year. Here are this years Halloween pictures. The group pictures are all the kids I sit for and also include my niece Sophie and my nephew Dylan. We have as follows: Little cowboy: Timmy 18 months, Lil' pumpkin: Sadie 10 months, ladybug: Emily 2 1/2, small witch: Molly (Sadie's big sister) 3 1/2, little leopard: Anthem, 13 months, big leopard: Mackenzie 8, motocross kid: Elliot (Kenzie's big bother) 10, Anthem's brother National is not dressed up, big witch: Sophia, 6 and the little Wookie is our little Dylan at 16 months old. See the pumpkin cake? I tried my hand at baking, I have a long way to go. Gary said it looked like an orange Sponge Bob. It tasted good and Emily and Molly enjoyed licking the beaters. We had a great night trick or treating and mother of the year here did not take one picture of that. My sister took tons so I will try and get those posted before Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures, Michele! It's nice to see the fun Molly is having when she's at your house.